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Student handbook

Everything you need to know

This Handbook has been written to provide you with important information about undertaking courses and professional development programs with Link Education.

Here, you will find information about your rights and responsibilities as a Participant and our obligations as a Registered Training Organisation, as well as information about our processes and how to access our services.

Please take the time to read this Handbook and contact us if there is anything you are unsure about.

About Link Education

As a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) we are authorised by the Australian Government to deliver nationally recognised (accredited) training, and issue Certificates for full qualifications or Statement of Attainment for partial qualifications in accordance with our Scope of Registration.

Our RTO is registered with the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA), which is governed by the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator ACT 2011 (NVR Act 2011). This legislation provides the framework to ensure that all RTOs are offering nationally recognised training that is consistent across all States and territories and across all industries.

For more information regarding RTO requirements, visit the ASQA website at

Through the audits conducted by our regulator, we are given the opportunity to demonstrate that we are providing quality training and assessment services in accordance with legislation.

We offer affordable, flexible, and practical training through our short courses, units, qualifications, and professional development programs designed specifically for project management. By participating in one of our courses, you can update your skills and get a qualification that is recognised across Australia.

We are committed to:

  • Providing quality, industry-relevant courses that are developed by industry experts
  • Training delivered by a team of professional facilitators who are committed to excellence and adult learning principles
  • Outcomes that are current, relevant, and promote industry good practice

Information about Link Education, our course content, delivery options, schedules, pricing, and more can be found on our website or by contacting us on 1300 958 480

Scope of Registration

As an RTO we must notify ASQA of each training product we wish to deliver and provide evidence of our capability to deliver a quality service for these products. Once approval has been granted, these products are added to the Scope of Registration. We are not able to deliver training or issue certificates for any training product that has not been approved by ASQA to include our Scope of Registration.

You can check for the latest information on our Scope of Registration by visiting the National Register at and searching for our National Provider Number 60154.

Access and Equity

Access refers to a person’s ability to participate fully in our training and assessment services, regardless of racial, religious, cultural, or language backgrounds, as long as they can meet the entry requirements of the Training Package.

Equity refers to applying the guidelines and practices that make access possible and applying these equally to all persons.

How do we support Access & Equity?

We are fully committed to the entire process for every participant. From the design of our courses to ensuring Natural Justice when things go wrong, we recognise the barriers that may exist and will take steps to ensure these barriers are identified and removed or reduced.

Our People: We have Policies that guide the behaviour of our people and the culture of our business to ensure that Access and Equity are not just words but a belief system.

Our courses have flexible pathways and delivery options, including course structure, locations, and timetabling.

Our Selection, Enrolment, and Administrative Processes: The selection criteria for entry into our courses are based on the requirements of the training product. Our administrative processes are designed to be simple and flexible via an electronic online enrolment process.

Our Training Environment: We actively promote an inclusive training environment by being supportive, setting standards for all participants, determining any special needs that may exist, and ensuring that physical access is available to participants who may have difficulties.

Our Assessment Processes: We will recognise the existing skills of our participants and provide them with adequate information about the assessment process and requirements to ensure they are ready for assessment and negotiate the time and place for assessment.

Support: We recognise that occasionally a person may require additional support to complete their course. We encourage all participants to discuss with us any special needs that they may have, and where possible, we will make adjustments to the training or assessment to accommodate these needs.

Participants’ welfare: The welfare of every participant is important to us, and we will not allow bias, discrimination, or harassment to interfere with any person’s ability to fully participate in their training course.

Natural Justice: If things still go wrong, we have a fair and equitable complaints process that will not put any person at a disadvantage or interfere with their course whilst the issue is being resolved.

Your Rights
Right to be supported

Once enrolled, you will have access to a range of academic support options to provide you with the best opportunity to complete your course successfully.

We will seek to establish pre-enrolment if any support requirements may exist and continue to monitor your academic progress to identify potential obstacles to successful completion of the course.

Who is eligible for support?

Our support options are available to any currently enrolled participant.

We will provide a supportive learning environment to the best of our ability and resources. However, there may be support and welfare needs that are beyond our scope of expertise, and you may be referred to an external provider.

Where possible, we will provide support at no additional cost to you. However, where an external provider provides support services, the cost of accessing those services will be your responsibility.

The provision of personal counselling or personal support is beyond our scope of expertise.

Support options

Achievement of academic goals may be jeopardised by difficulties arising from a number of circumstances which may include:

  • Language, Literacy, and Numeracy
  • Disabilities (both physical and psychological)
  • Cultural
  • Socio-economic
  • Personal or environmental difficulties.

Our enrolment process provides an opportunity to identify any existing special needs that may impact your ability to complete the course.

It is not possible to list all potential support options; however, the following are examples of support that may be available:

  • Reasonable adjustment of assessment tasks
  • Extended timeframes for completion of assessment tasks
  • Alteration to training delivery timetables
  • Individual coach by training staff (mentoring option).
Right to have your privacy respected and protected

We gather information from staff, participants, potential participants, and other stakeholders. We respect the privacy of the personal information gathered and take the storage and security of this information seriously.

Our Privacy Policy details your rights and our obligations in this regard.

Right to have your existing skills/qualifications recognised

The underlying principle of Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and Credit Transfer (CT) is that no participant should be required to undertake a unit of competency for which they can already demonstrate competency as outlined in the endorsed training package.

Our Recognition of Prior Learning Policy (below) details your rights and our obligations in this regard.

Right to request an extension of time for assessment

We understand that there may be occasions where events can interfere with your ability to complete assessment tasks in the timeframes originally agreed.

Requests for an extension must be made no later than three (3) business days before the assessment due date. Failure to submit the assessment by the due date or request an extension may result in an outcome of Not Competent awarded for the unit(s).

Right to receive feedback

Receiving feedback on progress is a fundamental concept of adult learning. You will be provided with feedback on the assessment work that you submit.

This feedback is designed to provide acknowledgment of achievement of competency and guidance on areas that may need improvement. Our mentors are available throughout your training and are accessible during working hours.

Right to re-submit assessment

If you would like to resubmit an assessment that has incorrect answers or answers that are incomplete etc, you are able to do so with a mentor’s help and guidance. Should the assessment still not meet the requirements, further training may be recommended.

Right to give feedback

We welcome all feedback from our stakeholders as this allows us to improve our training and assessment services.

At the end of each course, you will be asked to complete a survey in the classroom or online. These surveys can be submitted anonymously, or if you wish to be contacted, just include your name and contact details.

Additionally, the National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) may contact you directly for your feedback about the training you received.

Right to complain

You have the unrestricted right to complain about any act, omission, or decision of Link Education, its staff, contractors, and students at any time.

Our Complaints and Appeals Policy (below) details your rights and our obligations.

Right to appeal

You may appeal any decision of Link Education made in response to a complaint as per our Complaints and Appeals Policy (below).

Right to access your records

We ensure that you have timely access to records related to your participation, progress, and final outcomes upon written request. We will manage current and past records of your participation in training to ensure their accuracy, integrity, and privacy at all times.

Re-issue of certificates

In line with our Privacy Policy, Certificates and Statement of Attainments are considered personal information.

Replacement certificates can only be re-issued where the details provided match the ones we have on record. The name on the certificate must match the identification provided at enrolment. Re-issued or replacement certificates will indicate that the parchment is a re-issue.

Please get in touch with us for details about the cost of a replacement certificate.

Your Obligations
Participant Code of Conduct

You are responsible for ensuring:

  • You attend training sessions regularly and maintain satisfactory progress
  • You discuss any personal/medical circumstances with the Training Manager as soon as they become known. Medical conditions or personal circumstances which have not been declared cannot usually be taken into account in assessing performance
  • You are aware of the correct time, date and location of all training sessions and assessment tasks that you are required to attend
  • All course work, assessments and portfolios of evidence are in concise and accurate English and that it is your own work
  • You behave in a way that is respectful of fellow participants and Link Education’s staff
  • You take care of the training venue by keeping it clean and tidy and take care of the amenities that are provided for participants

It is expected that you will:

  • Treat all training staff, participants and the general public with respect, fairness and courtesy
  • Be punctual and regular in attendance
  • Submit assessment events by the due date or seek approval for an extension of time
  • Observe safe practice standards and follow instructions

You must not:

  • Smoke in any designated non-smoking areas
  • Litter
  • Harass fellow participants, training staff or the general public
  • Use mobile phones or similar devices to record others without the consent of the person being photographed or recorded
  • Damage, steal, modify or misuse Link Education’s property
  • Be under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs
  • Engage in behaviour which may offend, embarrass, threaten or harm other participants
Appropriate behaviour

We provide a learning/training environment which aims to ensure the health, safety and respect of all participants. We seek to create an inclusive and productive learning environment at all courses for everyone.

To do so, we request that all participants ensure their behaviour is appropriate for an adult learning environment.

Noise levels: Please be aware of noise levels and be respectful of your fellow participants and any other occupants of the training venue.

Presence of non-participants: Due to the distraction and disturbance to other participants, no children or pets are to be brought to training rooms.

Dress standards: You are expected to dress as you would according to the standards of your workplace.

Drugs and Alcohol: The use of illegal drugs and alcohol may impair an individual’s capacity to learn safely. Efficiently and with respect for other participants. The use of such substances may result in the risk of injury or a threat to a participant’s well-being or that of other parties.

No participant is to attend training whilst under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs.

Prescription medication: The use of prescription pharmaceuticals is not prohibited. You should check with your Doctor that the prescription medication will not impair your study performance ability or put others at risk.

Sexual harassment: Our training is committed to ensuring that its training environments are free from sexual harassment. Sexual harassment will not be tolerated under any circumstances, and disciplinary action will be taken against any participant who breaches this policy. Sexual harassment in education is illegal under the Sex Discrimination Act 1984. Some forms may constitute a criminal offence.

Before you enrol

We want to ensure you have been provided with enough information to make an informed decision about undertaking training with us.

The information you need includes:

  • The course content and expected outcomes
  • Entry requirements
  • Training and Assessment arrangements
  • Recognition (RPL or CT)
  • Any resources or equipment you need to supply
  • Fees, payment details, and refunds
  • Complaints and Appeals processes
  • Support and guidance services
  • Government funding that may be available.

Please get in touch with us for more information. Our staff are always available to answer any questions you might have if you need further clarification.

To ensure that you fully understand the options available and your rights and obligations, our enrolment process includes a discussion with one of our dedicated training team members, where you will be provided with this information and allowed to ask questions before enrolling in the course.

Once your training commences, we will ensure that:

  • The facilities, materials, resources, and methods are adequate for the achievement of the required outcome
  • The learning environment is free from harassment, discrimination, and bullying
  • The learning environment does not pose any Occupational Health and Safety/Workplace Health and Safety risks to any persons
  • The course is conducted and completed as agreed
  • The confidentiality, safety, and security of your training records are protected
  • You have timely and accurate access to your training records

Link Education is committed to providing a safe learning environment and, at all times, complies with equal opportunity and anti-discrimination legislation. Access to our courses is determined by the requirements of the Training Package, the availability of training places, and the payment of the appropriate fees and charges.


In some instances, the Training Package may require pre-requisite units to be completed and formally recognised before engagement in the course. We will assist you in achieving these prerequisites where possible.

Entry requirements

Entry requirements are the informal requirements of the course and may include prior industry experience and Language, Literacy, and Numeracy skills appropriate to the employment outcomes of the qualification.

Appropriately qualified persons will assess the extent to which you will likely achieve the stated competency standards and outcomes of the course based on your qualifications and proficiencies.

Enrolment process

All participants require online enrolment via a link provided by Link Education before the commencement of training. You must answer all questions and tick the box accepting the terms and conditions. There will be additional requirements for participants accessing government funding subsidies, including evidence of eligibility for the funding.

An invoice for the payment of course fees will be sent to the authorised employer/participant.

Once we have received your online enrolment, you will be enrolled into your chosen course.

Link Education may defer, vary, or cancel your enrolment in the following instances:

  • Your failure to uphold and maintain Link Education’s policies and procedures as set out in this Participants Handbook
  • Repeated plagiarism or copying
  • Cheating in an assessment task which his/her trainer/assessor has reported and following investigation, is proven to be correct
  • In compassionate and compelling circumstances
  • Demonstration of serious misconduct as outlined in this Participants Handbook
  • Erratic course progress (for example, consistent unsatisfactory course progress or continuous absence from scheduled sessions)
  • Non-payment of fees
  • In the case of a Government-funded training place, where a participant has been adequately informed of the requirements of the funded place but refuses to meet these requirements.
Unique Student Identifier (USI)

From 1st January 2015, if you are undertaking nationally recognised training delivered by a registered training organisation (RTO), you will need to have a Unique Student Identifier (USI).

Your USI account will contain all your nationally recognised training records and results from January 2015 onwards. Your results from 2015 are available in your USI account.

Link Education cannot issue you with a nationally recognised VET Qualification or Statement of Attainment without your USI.

If you do not have a USI, you can apply for it by visiting

Terms and Conditions of Enrolment

These terms and conditions apply to students enrolled or intending to enrol in Link Education Subjects, Short-Courses, Units, and Qualifications (hereafter referred to as Courses).

I give consent to Link Education to make any inquiries necessary to verify the information disclosed in my application for enrolment.

By accepting these Terms and Conditions, I agree to pay the fees for the Courses in the currency stipulated.  Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) accredited Units and Qualifications are GST-exempt. I accept that I am liable for the agreed fee amount even if I do not complete my Course or fail to advise Link Education of withdrawal from my Course during the orientation period (see below).

Upon receipt of the agreed fee, Link Education will:

  • provide a tax invoice (receipt)
  • provide access to Course Materials and assessments
  • provide unlimited mentor support throughout the enrolment (if included)
  • mark and provide feedback on assessment tasks as per the schedule, and
  • issue a Certificate or Diploma (if applicable) upon satisfactory completion of a Course or a Statement of Attainment upon completion of AQF accredited Units.
Course enrolment

I acknowledge the following in relation to Course enrolment:

  • Link Education must receive full payment of fees before Course enrolment can proceed.
  • Enrolment is complete when I have received the learning and assessment materials or been issued a username and password for online access for a relevant unit.
  • Course enrolment is complete when I have enrolled in all the elements of a Course.

This date will be known as the agreed commencement date.

A Unit or Course is non-transferable once the student has commenced.

A student’s enrolment will be terminated after completing their Unit or Course. This will be determined at the sole discretion of Link Education and occurs when the student is assessed as competent in the Unit or Course.

Orientation period

Students have a seven-day orientation period from the agreed Unit or Course commencement date to access the Unit or Course and ensure that it meets their requirements.

Should a student wish to cancel their enrolment within the orientation period, they may do so by contacting Link Education. Students should consider their work and/or personal commitments before enrolling.

Course materials

I acknowledge that:

  • Access to Unit or Course Materials supplied online may be denied once my enrolment has ended. It is my responsibility to save and/or copy content as required for reference purposes.
  • The content of the Course Materials, including copyright and all other intellectual property rights contained therein, remain the property of Link Education. I may not reproduce any part of the Unit or Course Materials without the prior written consent of Link Education.
Addenda to these terms and conditions

I have read and agree to be bound by the other policies of Link Education, namely:

  • The Academic Integrity Policy
  • The Complaints and Appeals Policy
  • The Privacy Policy
  • The Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Policy, and
  • The Refund Policy.

Although every effort is made to avoid such error, where there is any inconsistency between any prior statement by Link Education and these Terms and Conditions, then the Terms and Conditions shall prevail.


Link Education may revise the Policy Documents and any terms and conditions contained in this agreement at any time in our sole discretion.  Any such revisions will be available on our website.

Media consent

I agree to and provide permission for the photographic, video, audio, or any other form of electronic recording of me for and on behalf of Link Education.

I authorise the use or reproduction of any image/recording referred to above for the purposes of publishing materials related to the activities, programs and services of Link Education without acknowledgment and without being entitled to remuneration or compensation.

The image/recording may appear in print, electronic, or video media and may be available to a global audience online.  Images/recordings may also be provided to other entities for use in related publications.

I acknowledge that Link Education will retain ownership of any image/recording. I understand and agree that if I wish to withdraw this authorisation, I will be responsible for informing Link Education.

Use of reference

Where a commercial or not-for-profit entity pays for an enrolment, Link Education may reference and/or publish the entity’s trading name and/or the entity’s logo on Link Education websites and/or marketing materials without written approval unless otherwise agreed.


Although every effort is made to avoid such errors, where these Terms and Conditions and related documents are translated into a language other than English, and there is an inconsistency between the translated document and the English language original, the original meaning of the English document will prevail.

Any claim relating to accessing Link Education websites or products you purchase through the sites shall be governed by the laws of the State of Tasmania, Australia, without regard to conflict of law rules. By using the sites, you consent to the jurisdiction of the Federal and State Courts located in Tasmania to hear any such claims, and you further consent that any legal claims you have relating to such visit or the purchase of such products shall be heard exclusively in such Tasmanian courts and shall not be heard in the courts of any other jurisdiction or venue.


I acknowledge that if I have been introduced to Link Education by a broker:

  • the broker has not acted as Link Education’s agent to negotiate and enter into this agreement
  • the broker is not authorised to make any representations or warranties to me on behalf of Link Education regarding this agreement or impose any obligations on Link Education
  • Link Education may pay commissions, fees or remuneration to that broker, and
  • in calculating the instalments payable by me under this agreement, payments to the broker may be considered.
Disclaimer and limitation of liability

Students are advised that any future award of advanced standing at another institution or University advertised by Link Education is conditional upon meeting the other entry requirements of the University or partner. This advice in our promotional material is not a warranty or guarantee that graduates will gain automatic University entry with a Link Education qualification. Although many Universities do offer such arrangements at present, they unconditionally reserve the right to withdraw such offers in the future.

Under no circumstances, including but not limited to negligence by act or omission, shall Link Education, or any party involved in creating, producing, or delivering its websites, be liable for any damages, including but not limited to direct, indirect, consequential or punitive damages, that result from the use of or attempts to use its websites even if Link Education or a Link Education authorised representative, has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Applicable law may not allow the limitation or exclusion of liability of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you.

In no event shall Link Education’s total liability to you for all damages, losses, and causes of action exceed the amount paid by you for accessing its Units or Courses.

Link Education does not warrant its websites to be free of viruses, assumes no responsibility, and shall not be liable for any damages to, or for viruses that may infect, your computer equipment or other property on account of your access to, use of, or browsing in its websites or your downloading of any materials, data, text, images, video, or audio from its websites. You expressly agree that the use of its websites is at your sole risk.

Acceptance of terms and conditions

By accepting these Terms and Conditions:

  • I am warranting that I am 18 years of age or over, or
  • if I am under 18 years of age, my parent or guardian accepts the conditions of this Enrolment Agreement. By such execution, my parent or guardian acknowledges and accepts the terms and conditions herein.
Recognition of Prior Learning

Link Education accepts that learning occurs through formal study, informal learning in the workplace, and from life experience.

This policy outlines how students may apply to have their prior learning recognised by Link Education and what procedures Link Education has in place to assess a student’s learning and work/life experience.


Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL): the recognition given for the knowledge, skills, and experience a student has acquired through work, education, training, and life experiences. Recognition may be given for formal, informal, and non-formal learning experiences as required to meet some or all of the requirements of a nationally recognised unit or qualification.

Recognition Process: the collection of evidence of previous learning, which is submitted and subject to an assessment process resulting in a judgment being made on the specific skills, knowledge, and attitudes gained through previous study, work, and life experiences. Recognition is awarded on a unit of competency basis and is granted on one or more of the following grounds (if applicable):

Mutual recognition: Recognition for units of competency awarded from a previous study of a course offered by any Registered Training Organisation (Australia). The course in which the student wishes to enrol in or is enrolled must have the identical unit of competency (including competency code) as the unit of competency for which recognition is being sought.

Credit transfer: Recognition awarded for units of competency received from formal study at another training organisation. A student may be required to undertake a formal learning assessment as part of this process.

Experiential recognition: Recognition granted for non-formal and informal learning for a unit of competency(s) that is part of a course in which a student wishes to enrol in or is currently enrolled. Non-formal and informal learning are recognised by assessing work and life experiences, respectively. A student may also be required to undertake a formal learning assessment as part of this process.

Evidence: Evidence tendered in support of an application for RPL must be authentic, valid, reliable, current, and sufficient.

  • Authentic – the candidate’s own work
  • Valid – directly related to the current version of the relevant endorsed unit of competency
  • Reliable – shows that the candidate consistently meets the standards of the endorsed unit of competency
  • Current – reflects the candidate’s current capacity to perform the aspect of the work covered by the endorsed unit of competency
  • Sufficient – covers the full range of elements in the relevant unit of competency and addresses the four dimensions of competency, namely: task skills, task management skills, contingency management skills, and job/ role environment skills
Policy provisions

Link Education has in place the following procedures to assess a student’s prior learning activities:

Assessment of a Recognition Application: It is the responsibility of Link Education to engage an assessor who has qualifications and experience in the relevant industry and at the required level to undertake the assessment.

Fee Schedule: Fees for the processing of an application for RPL will vary depending upon the complexity of each task. Please get in touch with us to receive an obligation-free quote for this service.

Awarding of Recognition: Although recognition may be partially granted within a unit of competency, the full fee for that unit may still be levied (exemption from items of assessment, however, may still apply). Recognition may be awarded for as many as 100% of the units of competency associated with a VET nationally recognised qualification.

Notification of Assessment Outcome: It is the responsibility of Link Education to notify the student or prospective student of the outcome of their recognition application. The notification will contain the following details:

  • The units of competency for which recognition has been granted
  • The remaining units of competencies to be achieved before the qualification can be awarded
  • Clear reasons why recognition was not granted for units of competency for which recognition was requested

Appeal: Students will be allowed to appeal a decision relating to an RPL assessment as per Link Education’s Complaints and Appeals Policy.

Application process

To commence an application for RPL, students are encouraged to contact us for an initial consultation and informal appraisal (at no cost).

Artificial Intelligence

At Link Education, we believe in preparing you for the future of work and learning. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly becoming an integral part of professional and academic environments. By encouraging both students and assessors to use AI responsibly, we aim to equip you with valuable skills that will serve you well beyond your current studies.

The purpose of this policy is twofold:

  1. To empower you to harness AI as a powerful tool in your learning journey, enhancing your research, analysis, and problem-solving capabilities.
  2. To ensure that the use of AI in both completing and assessing work maintains academic integrity, fairness, and the development of essential critical thinking skills.

We view AI not as a replacement for human intelligence, but as a complement to it. By learning to use AI effectively, you’ll develop a crucial skill set that combines technological proficiency with uniquely human attributes like creativity, ethical judgment, and contextual understanding.

This policy outlines how you can leverage AI in your assessments, how we use it in our grading process, and the principles that guide responsible AI use in education. Our goal is to create an environment where AI enhances learning outcomes while preserving the value of original thought and academic rigor.

As you read through this policy, remember that the ability to work alongside AI, understanding its strengths and limitations, is likely to be as fundamental in your future career as computer literacy is today. We’re excited to guide you in developing these skills responsibly and effectively.

Using AI to complete assessment tasks

We encourage you to use generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools like ChatGPT, Google Gemini, and Claude to support your learning and assessment tasks. However, it’s essential to use these tools responsibly and ethically, maintaining the integrity of your academic work and the value of your original thought.

Here’s how you can effectively use AI in your assessments:

  1. Idea generation: Use AI to brainstorm topics or angles for your assignments.
  2. Research assistance: Ask AI for relevant sources or background information on your topic.
  3. Outlining: Use AI to help structure your thoughts and create a basic outline for your work.
  4. Proofreading: Have AI check your work for grammar, spelling, and clarity issues.
  5. Fact-checking: Use AI to verify basic facts or find additional supporting evidence.
  6. Data analysis: Ask AI to help interpret data or suggest visualization methods.
  7. Clarifying concepts: Use AI to explain complex ideas in simpler terms.

Benefits of using AI in your assessments:

  1. Time efficiency: AI can help you work faster, allowing more time for deeper analysis and refinement.
  2. Broader perspective: AI can introduce you to ideas or approaches you might not have considered.
  3. Improved writing: Regular use of AI for proofreading can help you learn and avoid common writing mistakes.
  4. Enhanced learning: Engaging with AI can deepen your understanding of topics through interactive questioning.
  5. Skill development: Learning to use AI effectively is a valuable skill for your future career.

Risks and mitigations:

  1. Risk: Over-reliance on AI-generated content

Mitigation: Use AI-generated content as a starting point, then significantly expand and refine it with your own ideas and analysis.

  1. Risk: Submitting work that lacks originality

Mitigation: Ensure that a significant proportion of your work reflects your own thoughts, experiences, and critical thinking.

  1. Risk: Using incorrect or biased information from AI

Mitigation: Always fact-check AI-provided information using reliable sources.

  1. Risk: Losing your own voice in writing

Mitigation: Use AI for inspiration, but maintain your unique writing style and perspective.

  1. Risk: Unintentional plagiarism

Mitigation: Always cite AI tools when you use them, just as you would any other source.

Pro-tip: Build your own prompt library

Creating a personal library of effective prompts can significantly enhance your AI interactions. Keep a separate document with prompts you find useful for different tasks. This practice will help you use AI more efficiently and consistently. Here are some common prompts to get you started:

  1. Research: “Provide an overview of [topic], including key concepts, major debates, and current research directions.”
  2. Report planning: “Create an outline for a [length] report on [topic], including main points and potential sources.”
  3. Critical analysis: “What are the main arguments for and against [position/theory]? Provide examples and counterarguments.”
  4. Clarification: “Explain [concept] in simple terms, as if you’re teaching it to a beginner.”
  5. Problem-solving: “What are some potential solutions to [problem]? List pros and cons for each.”
  6. Literature review: “Identify key authors and their contributions to the field of [subject area].”
  7. Data interpretation: “Based on this data [insert data], what trends or patterns can be observed? What might they suggest?”
  8. Writing improvement: “Review this paragraph for clarity and coherence. Suggest improvements: [insert paragraph]”
  9. Interdisciplinary connections: “How does [concept from one field] relate to or impact [another field]?”
  10. Final proof: “Please proofread the following text for spelling, grammar, and syntax errors only. Do not suggest any changes to content, style, or structure. Only identify clear mistakes that need correction. “

Remember to customize these prompts for your specific needs and subject areas. Regularly update your library based on what works best for you. This approach will help you leverage AI more effectively in your studies while maintaining your own critical thinking and creativity.


  • Your work must contain significant original thought and effort.
  • AI should supplement, not replace, your own contributions.
  • Be transparent about your use of AI in your work.
  • Regularly practice writing and problem-solving without AI to maintain and improve your skills.

We believe that learning to use AI tools effectively while maintaining academic integrity will prepare you for the future workplace where these skills will be increasingly valuable.

If you’re unsure about how to use AI appropriately in a specific assignment, please consult your mentor. They can provide guidance on the acceptable use of AI for that particular task.

By using AI responsibly, you can enhance your learning experience while developing crucial skills for the future. If you have any questions about this guidance, don’t hesitate to reach out to your mentor or the Link Education support team.

Using AI to support assessment judgments

As students, you are expected to use AI to support your work. Similarly, we use AI to support our assessment practices, not to replace our mentors’ expert judgments.

Our grading process:

  1. Your mentor’s initial review: Your mentor reads every word of your submitted assessment, making notes on your strengths and areas for improvement.
  2. AI-assisted review: We use the latest AI model to perform a confirmatory check against assessment criteria.
  3. Comprehensive feedback compilation: Your mentor combines their notes with AI-generated insights to create personalized feedback.
  4. Final grading: Your mentor determines your final grade based on this thorough review process.

Benefits of this AI-supported process for you:

  1. Faster feedback: AI helps streamline grading, so you get results sooner and can continue learning without delay.
  2. More consistent grading: AI reduces the risk of human bias and error, ensuring fair grading against the same standards for everyone.
  3. Deeper insights: AI helps identify patterns and trends in your work that might not be immediately obvious, giving you a better understanding of your strengths and weaknesses.
  4. More time for what matters: By automating some tasks, your mentors have more time to focus on guiding you on your learning journey.
  5. Thorough evaluation: You receive a dual-layered review, ensuring no important aspects of your work are overlooked.
  6. Detailed feedback: The combination of human expertise and AI-assisted analysis provides you with more comprehensive and specific feedback.

Risks and mitigation:

We acknowledge that AI technology is still in its infancy and comes with potential risks:

  1. AI bias: AI can sometimes reflect biases present in its training data. To mitigate this, your mentor always reviews and validates AI-generated feedback.
  2. Lack of context understanding: AI might miss nuances or context-specific elements. Your mentor’s expertise ensures these aspects are properly considered.
  3. Over-reliance on technology: We maintain a balance between AI assistance and human judgment to avoid over-dependence on AI.
  4. Privacy concerns: We use only secure, reputable AI tools and never share your personal information.

To further ensure fairness and consistency, we regularly conduct human academic moderation of assessments across different mentors. This process helps us maintain consistently high standards and equitable enforcement of grading criteria.

AI does not replace your mentor’s judgment. It’s a tool to enhance the assessment process, with your mentor remaining the primary evaluator of your work. This approach combines the insights of experienced educators with the analytical capabilities of advanced technology.

Note that assessors are only authorised to use ChatGPT, Gemini, or Claude to assist with assessment. As a verified condition of use, assessors must opt out of allowing these models to train on any of the data we upload or share.

If you have questions about this process, please contact your mentor or the Link Education support team.

Refund Policy

From time to time, students may wish to cancel their contract for services with Link Education.

The refund policy of Link Education is designed to ensure fair and equitable management of refunds by providing a transparent and consistent process for returns in conformity with the institution’s academic standards, integrity, and other policies.

Upon paid enrolment, students receive all the learning materials necessary to complete the unit(s) and/or course(s) they are enrolled in. This includes teaching materials, assessment items, and unrestricted online access (via the password-protected learning management system). This policy outlines the circumstances under which students may claim a refund for these services.

Grounds for refunds

Students will receive a full refund of fees paid – less the cost of resources – in the following circumstances:

  • the course or unit is cancelled
  • changes are made to the course or unit that are unsuitable for the student, or
  • a student is refused enrolment at the discretion of Link Education.

A full refund – less the cost of resources and completed elements of courses – will also apply if students withdraw within seven days of their initial enrolment (the orientation period). Students are strongly advised to consider their work and/or personal commitments before enrolling to avoid this situation occurring.

A 50% refund – less the cost of resources and completed elements of courses – may also be returned to the student if they can demonstrate to the satisfaction of Link Education that within 12 months of their enrolment, circumstances beyond their control prevented them from continuing their Course.

No refunds will be available for Courses or elements thereof once an assessment item has been submitted, a workshop has been attended, or 12 months have passed since the initial enrolment.

Course postponement

If we postpone a course you have paid for to an alternative start date, you will be offered a refund for that course or the opportunity to attend the next available course.

Course deferment

You may request a course deferment on the grounds of compassionate or compelling circumstances (at the discretion of Link Education). The length of time may not exceed six (6) months. Deferral does not automatically entitle you to a refund.

Procedures for applying for refunds

To apply for a refund, students apply directly to Link Education. Each application will be resolved and responded to in writing within 20 working days of receipt.

Payment of refunds

Link Education will pay the refund in the currency receipted to the same person or body from whom the payment was received on behalf of the student. In other words, when a credit card is used for payment, Link Education will refund that credit card.

Complaints and appeals

If a student is unhappy with the outcome of their application for a refund, the student may lodge their grievance under the Link Education Complaints and Appeals Policy. The existence of this policy and complaints and appeals process does not prevent students from taking action under Australia’s consumer protection laws.

Privacy Policy

Link Education is required to collect, use, store, and disclose a range of personal information on students, employees, and a range of other stakeholders. Link Education is committed to maintaining the privacy and confidentiality of all student and personnel records.

Link Education complies with the Privacy Act 1988, including the 13 Australian Privacy Principles (APP) as outlined in the Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012.

This policy applies to all students, employees, and contractors.


Open and transparent management of personal information

From time to time, we may modify our Terms and Conditions. We will notify you of any material change by sending a notice to the e-mail address you provided or by placing a prominent notice on our website.

Your continued use of our websites and services after any modification indicates your agreement to the new terms.

Anonymity and pseudonymity

Individuals have the option to not identify themselves when dealing with Link Education, for example, when requesting information on a course, website inquiries or anonymous complaints/feedback.

Individuals who wish to undertake nationally recognised training with Link Education will be required to disclose information of a personal nature as outlined in this policy and as required by law.

Collection of solicited personal information

Link Education will collect the information you provide on enrolment into a Course or Certification or commencement of employment with Link Education. Link Education may also collect the information you provide on websites, enrolment forms, course materials, and assessments.

Link Education may sometimes collect information, with your consent, from your employer, a job services provider, or other organisations where students may engage in placement for training and assessment purposes.

Link Education collects information of a personal and sometimes sensitive nature. Information Link Education collects may include: full name, date of birth, residential address, contact details, demographic information, ability/disability, employment details, educational background, indigenous background, concession status language, literacy and numeracy skills, and educational/course progress. Link Education may also collect information on your next of kin or parent/guardian and your image and/or likeness.

Dealing with unsolicited personal information

Link Education only collects, uses, and stores information that is directly related to the provision of training and assessment (for students) and information directly related to the employment or engagement of contractors (for employees and contractors).

Information that is received that is not related to training and assessment or employment with Link Education is destroyed safely and securely.

Children under the age of 13

We do not knowingly collect information from children under the age of 13.  Should we learn that a child under 13 has provided us with personal information, we will delete that information from our database.

Notification of the collection of personal information

Students and employees are notified when information is collected or sourced from third parties. Such notifications are expressed in enrolment forms, assessment tools, and other written documents or implied in such circumstances such as workplace observations.

Automated information collections

cookie is a string of information that is sent by a Web site and stored on your hard drive or temporarily in your computer’s memory.

We may employ cookie technology to identify you, track your use of the site, help you move faster through our Site, estimate our total audience size and traffic, and help us improve our website’s experience by measuring which site areas interest users most.

You can turn off the ability to receive any of these cookies by adjusting the browser on your computer, but you should note that disabling cookies in your browser may also prevent other websites from placing cookies on your computer.

If you do this, it may materially affect the functionality of our websites and the information you can access through them. If you wish to learn more about cookies or how to refuse cookies, please visit the Interactive Advertising Bureau’s website at

We collect data when you visit most pages on our websites. Your visit may automatically provide us with data about your computer, such as your IP (Internet Protocol) address, browser type, operating system, domain name, access times, and referring website addresses.

Some parts of our websites may use embedded pixels or other technologies to track and facilitate your use of the sites, including the activities in which you participate or the pages you view.

Use or disclosure of personal information

We may use the information we collect about you in connection with providing services offered, including in the following ways:

  • For the purpose you specifically provided the personal information, for example, to respond to a specific inquiry.
  • To send you notifications about your accounts or transactions with us and to contact you with information that we believe will interest you.
  • To notify you about our products and services and special offers.
  • To analyse our business or use of our websites, enhance existing features, or develop new features, products, and services.
  • To allow you access to our websites to post your own content or communicate with others.
  • As otherwise described to you at the point of collection.

Information collected for the provision of nationally accredited training and assessment may also be required to be disclosed to a number of organisations such as:

  • Registering bodies such as ASQA (National), VRQA (Victoria) or TAC (Western Australia);
  • Government funding bodies in each state and territory and/or Commonwealth Government;
  • Apprenticeship Centres;
  • Employers and Job Services Providers;
  • External auditors and our consultants;
  • The Australian Taxation Office, and
  • Other entities required by law and in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988.

Link Education will not disclose any personal or sensitive information to a third party except for the direct provision of training and assessment or in emergency and life-threatening situations.

Direct marketing

Your personal information will never be sold to any marketing company or third party.

Link Education may use your personal information to market directly to you only for the provision of further education and related services of Link Education.

You may at any time ‘opt-out’ or request not to receive direct marketing from Link Education at any time.

Cross-border disclosure of personal information

Link Education will not disclose your personal information to any entity outside of Australia unless you have provided your express written consent.

All records will be kept in Australia.

Adoption, use, or disclosure of government-related identifiers

Link Education is required to collect, in some circumstances, government-related identifiers (for example, concession numbers, tax file numbers, driver’s licence numbers, unique student identifiers, and the like). Link Education will not use these identifiers for any reason or purpose except for the explicit reason it is required and will not use these numbers as an identifier of individuals.

Link Education will only disclose government-related identifiers where required by law or express consent has been given to disclose this information.

Quality of personal information

Link Education collects information and ensures it is accurate, up-to-date, and complete.

Link Education will take all reasonable steps to ensure that the information provided from individuals is correct and any third-party information received can be verified for accuracy, currency, and completeness.

Security of personal information

All personal and sensitive information is kept safe and secure at all times; only people who are authorised may access this information.

Personal and sensitive information is protected from unauthorised access, interference, misuse, loss, modification, or disclosure.

Personal and sensitive information is destroyed by commercial document destruction companies or secure shredding or secure electronic deletion.

It should nonetheless be noted that no method of transmitting or storing electronic data is ever completely secure, and we cannot guarantee that such information will never be accessed, used, or released in a manner that is inconsistent with this policy.

Access to personal information

Individuals may request copies of information that is kept about them at any time free of charge. Link Education may charge for printing and postage in some circumstances.

All requests for access to personal information must be in writing, and the individual must be able to identify themselves and verify their identity before any information is disclosed.

All requests must be made in writing to:

The Chief Executive Officer
Link Education
c/- The contact details on this website

Correction of personal information

Individuals who feel that the information Link Education uses and stores is inaccurate or incomplete may request to have the information updated and corrected. Such requests must be made in writing.

Academic Integrity

Academic integrity is about mastering the art of scholarship. Scholarship involves researching, understanding, and building upon the work of others. It requires that you give credit where it is due and acknowledge the contributions of others to your own intellectual efforts.

At its core, academic integrity requires honesty. This involves being responsible for ethical scholarship, knowing what academic dishonesty is, and how to avoid it.

Common examples of academic dishonesty include, but are not limited to:

  • Submitting, as your own, an assignment that another person has completed.
  • Downloading information, text, computer code, artwork, graphics, or other material from the internet and presenting it as your own without acknowledgment.
  • Quoting or paraphrasing material from a source without acknowledgment.
  • Preparing a correctly cited and referenced assignment from individual research and then handing part or all of that work in twice for separate subjects/marks.
Policy provisions

Because students must keep their login details (username and password) confidential, they effectively declare that their work is their own whenever they submit work through the Link Education online system.

If a student is found to have acted dishonestly, the student’s intent is irrelevant. A passing grade will be withheld until the student can provide honest evidence of competency.

Other than in exceptional circumstances, a finding of academic dishonesty will not prevent a student from completing a unit or course and would not be recorded on their academic transcript.

Complaints and appeals

If a student is unhappy with a finding of academic dishonesty, the student may lodge their grievance under Link Education’s Complaints and Appeals Policy (below).

Complaints and Appeals

This policy articulates the general approach of Link Education in resolving complaints relating to decisions, acts or omissions of Link Education academic or non-academic staff or committees which may adversely affect the well-being of students, and the informal and formal procedures that students should follow in pursuing grievances regarding their well-being. Students are informed of the policy before enrolment.

All students or persons wishing to enrol in a course of study provided by Link Education are entitled to access the academic complaints and policy and related procedures regardless of the location at which a complaint may have arisen or the student’s place of residence or their mode of study.

Academic complaints may be about the decisions or actions of staff or committees at Link Education. They may not be about the policies, procedures, or academic standards of Link Education. An appeal may be about how someone has interpreted or implemented a policy or procedure, but it cannot be about the policy or procedure itself.


First, complaints should be addressed to the relevant staff member within 30 days of the issue or event arising. In reviewing the complaint, the staff member must adhere to the principles of natural justice, as they are understood at the time in Australian law, are to be applied. These principles include:

  • The right of the complainant to obtain (on request) written reasons for the decision made, and
  • The right of the complainant to comment on materials that may be adverse to them

In addition, Link Education is committed to:

  • Ensuring a complainant or respondent is not victimised or discriminated against
  • Considering complaints in a consistent, transparent, objective, and unbiased manner
  • Making all details of the procedures publicly available
  • Communicating the procedures in writing to all staff and ensuring comprehensive training regarding comprehension and implementation of the policy’s procedures and that amendments and their implications are understood
  • Specifying reasonable timelines for responses to each stage of the process and monitoring these timelines
  • Allowing the complainant and/or respondent to be accompanied and/or assisted by a third party if desired
  • Keeping appropriate records of complaints for at least five years and allowing parties to the complaint appropriate access to these records;
  • Ensuring that such records are treated as confidential, and
  • Reviewing the complaints handling process regularly.

Outcomes of the complaints process may be appealed within 30 days. They must be reviewed externally by an independent and impartial senior officer of an unrelated RTO nominated by Link Education and agreed to by the appellant. The client will be informed who the independent person or body is, and the principles that apply to original complaints (listed above) will continue here.

If the complainant is still aggrieved, they will be referred without delay to the legislative authority that has registered Link Education, the Australian Skills Quality Authority, or the National Training Complaints Hotline on 1800 000 674.


There is no fee for the service of a complaint. The external party reviewing an appeal may, however, charge a fee for service. If an appeal is upheld (in other words, resolved in the student’s favour), then Link Education will bear the cost of the appeal. If an appeal is denied (in other words, resolved in favour of Link Education), then the student will bear the cost of the appeal.

Note that the liability for costs only applies to third-party charges – Link Education will not levy an administrative or other charge for this service. The student will also be fully advised of this risk and the entire cost of the process before the commencement of the appeal.

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